2025 Senior Survey

The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) wants to represent your interests and advocate on your behalf on the issues that impact you; Social Security, Medicare, COLA, Taxes, and Politics.

Your answers help us determine the biggest problems, the best solutions, and what to tell the public and Congress to ensure that proposed solutions become reality. Your answers help us tell Congress what YOU think, not some think tank or policy wonk.

Your answers are vitally important and will be kept anonymous. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We will publish a data-driven report to share the results with Congress and the media. Visit our website later to access the complete report.


The Senior Citizens League is nonpartisan, and we want to hear from everyone. We need at least 1,500 responses so that our survey is considered large enough to accurately reflect retirees’ opinions in a way that gets reported in the media and gets attention from Congress!  Please give us your opinion. Stand up and be heard: It’s the only way to stop being ignored and to have your voice bring about the changes you need.

Take our 2025 Senior Survey today!