ALTCS: Health Insurance for Individuals Who Require Nursing Home Level of Care

The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS, pronounced ALL-Tecs) is health insurance for individuals who have an age related and/or physical disability and who require nursing facility level of care. Services may be provided in an institution or in a home or community-based setting.

Those who qualify do not have to reside in a nursing home. Many ALTCS members live in their own homes or an assisted living facility and receive needed in-home services.

The following application includes:

  • How to apply for ALTCS
  • Non-financial eligibility requirements
  • How resources are treated
  • How income is treated
  • The cost of care
  • How ALTCS determines medical eligibility
  • Types of ALTCS services

AHCCCS offers medical programs and resources to serve Arizona residents who meet certain income and other requirements.

  • Adults
  • Caretaker Relatives
  • Children
  • Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS)
  • Individuals Who are 65 or Older
  • Individuals Who are Blind or Have a Disability
  • Individuals Who Require Nursing Home or In-Home Care
  • Individuals With Developmental Disabilities who Need Long Term Care
  • Individuals Who Need Help Paying Medicare Costs Only
  • Pregnant Women
  • Women Who Want Screening for Breast or Cervical Cancer
  • Working Individuals With a Disability (Freedom to Work)

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