Welcome to Senior Support Savings, your ultimate destination for those seeking incredible deals and discounts throughout the state of Arizona (some National deals, too) tailored just for you with a wide array of exclusive offers. Dive into various categories, including healthcare, dining, travel, and entertainment, all curated to suit your lifestyle and interests. Stay informed with our regularly updated ‘Featured Deals’ section, showcasing the best limited-time offers you won’t want to miss. Join our community today by signing up for our newsletter and get the latest deals delivered to your inbox. We believe in making every dollar count, ensuring that our senior years are not just golden but save us some gold, too.


Senior Discount Benefits:

Seniors over 55 can enjoy an additional 10% Off Entire Purchase Including Sale Items. This is now easier than ever because you can sync your senior status to your Michaels Rewards account and your discount will be automatically applied to in store and online purchases moving forward! See exclusions below:

Limit one senior discount per product. Limit one senior discount per day.

Must be 55 years or older. Must show valid ID or have completed verification process through Michaels Rewards program. Limited to stock on hand. Void where prohibited. Valid only in US.

Great Buy items; clearance; MichaelsPro Packs; custom framing; Michaels Photo Gifts; beverages & candy; books & magazines; gift cards; classes; craft technology machines; Cricut, Glowforge, Silhouette. Exclusions subject to change. See Team Member for details. (as of July 2022)
Who Qualifies:

Anyone 55 years or older.

How We Verify:

We use a trusted third party to verify eligibility status for online enrollment and may require additional documentation or proof of eligibility.

What’s Needed for Verification:

Senior verification requires a government-issued document that shows the information below. These documents are used for verification purposes only. Examples include: Birth certificate, driver’s license, passport or state-issued ID.

Your full name
Your date of birth
How Quickly Will I Be Verified?

Most verifications happen instantly. In the rare case where additional documentation is required, verification may take up to 20 minutes.

How to Get Started:

In Store:

Show your ID at checkout, and if you have a Michaels Rewards account, your status will be synced within 24 hours.

Log in or create a Michaels Rewards account and follow the prompt within your account dashboard.
How to Shop:

To get your 10% off discount online and in store, just sign into your Michaels Rewards account or provide your Michaels Rewards phone number at checkout and your discount will be applied to all eligible items. If you do not have a Michaels Rewards account, you can still show your valid ID to receive the discount in store at the time of purchase.

Have More Questions?

Feel free to Contact Us.

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