Welcome to Senior Support Savings, your ultimate destination for those seeking incredible deals and discounts throughout the state of Arizona (some National deals, too) tailored just for you with a wide array of exclusive offers. Dive into various categories, including healthcare, dining, travel, and entertainment, all curated to suit your lifestyle and interests. Stay informed with our regularly updated ‘Featured Deals’ section, showcasing the best limited-time offers you won’t want to miss. Join our community today by signing up for our newsletter and get the latest deals delivered to your inbox. We believe in making every dollar count, ensuring that our senior years are not just golden but save us some gold, too.
Take advantage of Bashas’ Senior Discount Day! The first Wednesday of every month, customers 55 and older can save an additional 10% off their purchase in a single transaction. Customers may be asked to present ID for age verification and are required to use their Thank You Card to receive the Senior Discount.
*Senior Discount is not eligible on prescriptions, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, postage stamps, gift cards, Western Union, taxes, fuel or lottery tickets.
- Drug Stores
- Grocery
- Retail